Source code for tradingWithPython.lib.yahooFinance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Author: Jev Kuznetsov <>
# License: BSD


.. ipython:: python
    import pandas as pd
    np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True)
    pd.options.display.max_rows= 6

Yahoo Finance 

This module enables easy access to data provided by Yahoo Finance.

.. note::
    This service may stop without notice, Yahoo does not seem to like people accessing their
    data automatically. Breaking the service already happened in early 2017. This module includes 
    a workaround that works ... for now. 

Getting historic data

The module is usually imported as follows:

.. ipython:: python

   from tradingWithPython import yahooFinance as yf

Singe symbol
Then, to get raw yahoo finance data for a symbol use :func:`~lib.yahooFinance.getSymbolData`

.. ipython:: python

   df = yf.getSymbolData("SPY")
We can also normalize OHLC with the *adj_close* data column. After normalization,
the *close* column will be equal to *adj_close* , so the latter is omitted from the result.

.. ipython:: python

    df = yf.getSymbolData("SPY",adjust=True)
Multiple symbols

:func:`~lib.yahooFinance.getHistoricData` will accept one ore more symbols and download them
while displaying a progress bar.

.. ipython:: python
    symbols = ['XLE','USO','SPY']
    data = yf.getHistoricData(symbols)
The data will be a multi-index DataFrame:

.. ipython:: python


To select  a symbol, simply use

.. ipython:: python

Or with cross-section (see `Advanced indexing <>`_)
.. ipython:: python




.. autofunction:: tradingWithPython.lib.yahooFinance.getSymbolData
.. autofunction:: tradingWithPython.lib.yahooFinance.getHistoricData


import urllib.request
import numpy as np

import requests # interaction with the web
import os  #  file system operations
import yaml # human-friendly data format
import re  # regular expressions
import pandas as pd # pandas... the best time series library out there
import datetime as dt # date and time functions
import io

from tradingWithPython.lib.extra import ProgressBar

dateTimeFormat = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"

def parseStr(s):
    ''' convert string to a float or string '''
    f = s.strip()
    if f[0] == '"':
        return f.strip('"')
    elif f=='N/A':
        return np.nan

        try: # try float conversion
            prefixes = {'M':1e6, 'B': 1e9}
            prefix = f[-1]

            if prefix in prefixes: # do we have a Billion/Million character?
                return float(f[:-1])*prefixes[prefix]
            else:                       # no, convert to float directly
                return float(f)
        except ValueError: # failed, return original string
            return s

#def getQuote(symbols): has been disabled by Yahoo :-(

[docs]def getHistoricData(symbols, **options): ''' get data from Yahoo finance and return pandas dataframe Will get OHLCV data frame if sinle symbol is provided. If many symbols are provided, it will return a wide panel Parameters ------------ symbols : str or list Yahoo finanance symbol or a list of symbols sDate : tuple (optional) start date (y,m,d) adjust : bool T/[F] adjust data based on adj_close Returns --------- DataFrame, multi-index ''' assert isinstance(symbols,(list,str)), 'Input must be a string symbol or a list of symbols' if isinstance(symbols,str): return getSymbolData(symbols,**options) else: data = {} print('Downloading data:') p = ProgressBar(len(symbols)) for idx,symbol in enumerate(symbols): p.animate(idx+1) data[symbol] = getSymbolData(symbol,verbose=False,**options) return pd.concat(data,axis=1, names=['symbol','ohlcv'])
[docs]def getSymbolData(symbol, sDate=(2000,1,1), adjust=False, verbose=True, dumpDest=None): """ get data from Yahoo finance and return pandas dataframe Parameters ----------- symbol : str Yahoo finanance symbol sDate : tuple , default (2000,1,1) start date (y,m,d) adjust : bool , default False use adjusted close values to correct OHLC. adj_close will be ommited verbose : bool , default True print output dumpDest : str, default None dump raw data for debugging Returns --------- DataFrame """ period1 = int(dt.datetime(*sDate).timestamp()) # convert to seconds since epoch period2 = int( params = (symbol, period1, period2, _token['crumb']) url = "{0}?period1={1}&period2={2}&interval=1d&events=history&crumb={3}".format(*params) data = requests.get(url, cookies={'B':_token['cookie']}) data.raise_for_status() # raise error in case of bad request if dumpDest is not None: fName = symbol+'_dump.csv' with open(os.path.join(dumpDest, fName),'w') as fid: fid.write(data.text) buf = io.StringIO(data.text) # create a buffer df = pd.read_csv(buf,index_col=0,parse_dates=True, na_values=['null']) # convert to pandas DataFrame # rename columns newNames = [c.lower().replace(' ','_') for c in df.columns] renames = dict(zip(df.columns,newNames)) df = df.rename(columns=renames) if verbose: print(('Got %i days of data' % len(df))) if adjust: return _adjust(df,removeOrig=True).round(2) else: return df.round(2)
def _adjust(df, removeOrig=False): ''' _adjustust hist data based on adj_close field ''' c = df['close']/df['adj_close'] df['adj_open'] = df['open']/c df['adj_high'] = df['high']/c df['adj_low'] = df['low']/c if removeOrig: df=df.drop(['open','close','high','low'],axis=1) renames = dict(list(zip(['adj_open','adj_close','adj_high','adj_low'],['open','close','high','low']))) df=df.rename(columns=renames) return df def loadToken(): """ get cookie and crumb from APPL page or disk. force = overwrite disk data """ refreshDays = 30 # refreh cookie every x days # set destinatioin file dataDir = os.path.expanduser('~')+'/twpData' dataFile = dataFile = os.path.join(dataDir,'yahoo_cookie.yml') try : # load file from disk data = yaml.load(open(dataFile,'r')) age = ( dt.datetime.strptime( data['timestamp'], dateTimeFormat) ).days assert age < refreshDays, 'cookie too old' except (AssertionError,FileNotFoundError): # file not found if not os.path.exists(dataDir): os.mkdir(dataDir) data = getToken(dataFile) return data def getToken(fName = None): """ get cookie and crumb from yahoo """ url = '' # url for a ticker symbol, with a download link r = requests.get(url) # download page txt = r.text # extract html cookie = r.cookies['B'] # the cooke we're looking for is named 'B' pattern = re.compile('.*"CrumbStore":\{"crumb":"(?P<crumb>[^"]+)"\}') for line in txt.splitlines(): m = pattern.match(line) if m is not None: crumb = m.groupdict()['crumb'] assert r.status_code == 200 # check for succesful download # save to disk data = {'crumb': crumb, 'cookie':cookie, 'timestamp'} if fName is not None: # save to file with open(fName,'w') as fid: yaml.dump(data,fid) return data #-------------- get token _token = loadToken() # get token from disk or yahoo #--------------tests------------ # to be executed with pytest def test_getToken(): ''' download token ''' print('getting token') getToken() def test_initToken(): ''' remove and get token ''' dataDir = os.path.expanduser('~')+'/twpData' dataFile = dataFile = os.path.join(dataDir,'yahoo_cookie.yml') if os.path.exists(dataFile): os.remove(dataFile) loadToken() assert os.path.exists(dataFile) def test_download(): vxx = getSymbolData('SPY') assert len(vxx) > 4000